Where are we? 我們的位置
We are 8 minutes walk from exit. 3 Hongik University subway station.
Variety trasportations not only from Incheon Airport or Kimpo Airport but also in the subway city circle line.
Famous Hongdae district is just 10 mins walk away.

By Airport Railroad from Incheon and Kimpo
Take normal Airport train to Hongik Universtiy Station, exit at Ex.3. you'll see a long way park DON'T GO STRAIGHT, turn right rare reach to the main road then turn left towords to pet shop, then follow the path way and keeping walking about 7 minutes, until you reach GS25 convenience store on your left hand side, pass GS25 you'll see zebra crossing infront of you, cross that and handing to left side, walk about 1 min you will see our building.

By 6002 Airport Bus 搭乘機場巴士
Take 6002 Airport Limousine bus get off at Hongik University station, cross the road to left side then keep walking will reach subway Exit.2, pass Exit. follow the path way and u will pass pet shop and keep walking for about 9 minutes until you reach GS25 convenience store on your left hand side, pass GS25 you'll see zebra crossing infront of you, cross that and handing to left side, walk about 1 min you will see our building.
By Taxi 搭乘計程車(出租車)
Just show our address to taxi driver, our address
in Korean is : 서울시 마포구 성미산로 189
Tel : 02-720-2960
서울시 마포구 성미산로 189
Tel : 02-720-2960